Enrichment Workflow
ATOM-Seq powered NGS Library Preparation kits for mutation detection from poor quality FFPE DNA samples
Home > ATOM-Seq Capture Chemistry > FFPE DNA Enrichment Workflow
The ATOM-Seq targeted FFPE DNA enrichment workflows form the basis of all XCeloSeq FFPE kits and are optimised to generate the highest quality sequencing libraries for use with damaged or poor-quality FFPE DNA samples.
Detect even the rarest clinical signatures by using both UMIs and unique, error-reducing workflow optimisations
Workflows reduce false-positives by enzymatically removing C→U deamination, a recognised source
of false positive C→T mutations
Simple, single-day protocols leveraging the inherent simplicity and efficiency of DNA polymerases
XCeloSeq Targeted FFPE DNA Workflow
Using the ATOM-Seq DNA capture method, Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMIs) and universal adapter sequences are incorporated directly onto available 3' ends of every enzymatically fragmented original sample molecule. Two rounds of target-specific PCR then enrich regions of interest to produce high-quality sequencing-ready libraries.
Further suppress PCR errors with linear amplification which repeatedly copies captured cfDNA, reducing the risk of error duplication during PCR
Enrich any DNA molecule using a single targeting primer so all captured molecules are amplified, irrespective of length or breakpoint
Maximise retention of DNA with bead purifications only after the first PCR amplification step, minimising sample loss
Core Specifications
All XCeloSeq FFPE DNA enrichment kits share the same core workflows, hands-on time and total protocol time
* Higher input masses will provide better sensitivities
Sequencing Platform Compatibility
All XCeloSeq products are compatible with all common sequencing platforms.
Please contact us for availability or customisation options.
Representative Data
Using the ATOM-Seq capture chemistry, three users processed 18 individual FFPE samples and a control, each processed in duplicate or triplicate. These works demonstrate the suitability of ATOM-Seq for use on FFPE samples. Its unique capture approach allows for highly consistent library generation and mutation detection both across and within users.
* The sole failure was attributed to user error.
1 Data on file.
A colon cancer FFPE kit, which included markers for detection of microsatellite instability, was used to process over 330 FFPE samples. The microsatellite instability as determined by ATOM-Seq was compared to routine pathology reports and demonstrated >98% concordance.
"The GeneFirst ATOM-Seq technology is ideally suited to perform [MSI detection], and gives performance as good as, or better than comparable methods.
Assays such as this could be used to improve patient care by helping to choose the most appropriate care, either minimising unnecessary treatment or switching to alternative therapies(2)."
2 Read more about this study here.
XCeloSeq FFPE DNA Panels