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Enrichment Workflow

ATOM-Seq powered NGS Library Preparation kits for capturing all RNA DNA from FFPE samples

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The ATOM-Seq targeted RNA enrichment workflows form the basis of all XCeloSeq fusion detection kits and are optimised to generate the highest quality sequencing libraries using RNA from FFPE-preserved samples.

Process even the lowest quality RNA by capturing both single- and double-stranded cDNA from highly degraded FFPE RNA samples

Simple, single-day protocols leveraging the inherent simplicity and efficiency of DNA polymerases

XCeloSeq Targeted RNA Workflow

Using the ATOM-Seq capture method, Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMIs) and universal adapter sequences are incorporated directly onto available 3' ends of every complementary-DNA (cDNA) molecule. Two rounds of target-specific PCR enrich regions of interest to produce high-quality, sequencing-ready libraries.

Accurate counting of fusions by using UMIs

for reliable removal of PCR duplicates ensuring each

cDNA molecule is counted

Identify all fusions (known and unknown) and exon skipping, by using a single targeting primer for each conserved exon

Maximise retention of cDNA with bead purifications only after the first PCR amplification step, minimising sample loss

Core Specifications

All XCeloSeq RNA enrichment kits share the same core workflows, hands-on time and total protocol time (see table below)

* Higher input masses will provide better sensitivities. Very poor quality material, RIN < 3 and DV200 < 20% can increase input mass to 300 ng

Sequencing Platform Compatibility

All XCeloSeq products are compatible with all common sequencing platforms.

Please contact us for availability or customisation options.


Comparison Data

An ATOM-Seq haem fusion detection kit was used in a blind study across 15 samples to detect the presence of fusions previously identified as present by an alternative method. Across the samples, all expected fusions were detected and all negative samples were concordant.

XCeloSeq RNA Fusion Panels

XCeloSeq Fusion Research Kit

XCeloSeq Solid Cancer Fusion Kit

XCeloSeq Myeloid Fusion Kit

XCeloSeq Lung Cancer Fusion Kit

XCeloSeq Sarcoma Fusion Kit

XCeloSeq Lymphoma Fusion Kit

XCeloSeq Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia Fusion Kit

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