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XCeloSeq  Precision Colon Cancer+ FFPE Kit


NGS Library Preparation kit for use with FFPE DNA for bowel cancer therapy guidance

Use ATOM-Seq to capture single- and double-strand DNA from your FFPE DNA sample, followed by targeted enrichment and mutation detection for cancer therapy guidance and lynch syndrome testing.


Suitable for use with even the poorest quality FFPE samples, ATOM-Seq combines incorporation of UMIs and enzymatic removal of cytosine to uracil deamination artifacts to ensure high quality results.


Due for release in 2025.

 Home  >  ATOM-Seq Capture Chemistry  >  FFPE DNA Enrichment Workflow > XCeloSeq Precision Colon Cancer+ FFPE Kit

Product Details


%Targeting primers are split between pool 1 which enriches sense DNA and pool 2 which enriches antisense DNA.

*Higher quantities will improve maximum sensitivity.



Two genes are included, DPYD and UGT1A1. The SNPs for DPYD are those recommended by the AMP and cover all “Tier 1” and “Tier 2” targets (1), which are also necessary test targets in the UK and overseas (2). The SNPs for UGT1A1 are suggested as part of the NCCN guidelines and requested overseas (3,4).

1 DPYD Genotyping Recommendations

2 national-genomic-test-directory-cancer-v9-revised

3 CSCO Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines 2023

4 NCCN Guidelines Version 4.2024 Colon Cancer

Lynch Syndrome Susceptibility

Lynch syndrome imparts a significant life-time risk of bowel cancer in men, and bowel and endometrial cancer in women. A total of 7 significant genes associated with inherited susceptibility of this syndrome have their entire coding region covered.

Therapy Guidance Markers

Targets used in therapy guidance of bowel cancer treatment are also included. Of these, BRAF, KRAS, NRAS, and TP53 are targeted for SNPs, insertions and deletions; EGFR and HER2 are targeted for copy number variation; MET for copy number variation and exon skipping; and 31 repeat regions are targeted for accurate detection of microsatellite instability.

Please contact us to discuss customising this panel.


Read about all our customisation options here.


Capture more of your patient sample with ATOM-Seq which captures all single stranded, double-stranded or nicked DNA of any length. 

Detect even the rarest clinical signatures by using both UMIs and unique, error-reducing workflow optimisations

Simple, single-day protocols leveraging the inherent simplicity and efficiency of DNA polymerases

Unique Dual Indexes

Unique Dual Indexes (UDIs) are required to be purchased and are sold separately

Please contact us to discuss additional index options.


Please contact us for information and updates for release.

For Research Use Only (RUO).

Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Not intended to be used for treatment of human or animal diseases.

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